Monday, August 12, 2013

Just a reminder.....

Just a reminder for LYG today!!

Review of Landmark Youth Corp to Williams, AZ!!

Obviously this is a little late(OK a LOT late) but here is a recap of our awesome trip to Williams, AZ!!

The first day we were able to put flyers together for some awesome events the Abbott's church in Williams will be having. Then we did some outreach in some neighborhoods in town, and had a great response!

The next day, we did even more outreach, which also had a great response, even in the pouring rain!! Our youth our awesome, and didn't let a little rain stop their little lights from shining! :) Then we ate lunch at a beautiful park area, and generally had a great time together! (Think botched water fights, basketball, mini hikes, skipping stones, and hyper-ness). :)

 That night we had our first service. All us girls sang together, and did a great job!
 Bro. Travbert took up an offering, and did an AMAZING job!!!!!!!!!
 The choir sang and did awesome!!! We brought down the house!!!!! :) :)  LOL
 Bro. Jonathon and Bro. Zach did Fresh Fire, and needless to say, they were on FIRE in the Holy Ghost!

 Monae and Selena ( Say cheese!! ) :)
Catch Phrase in the hotel lobby -- lots of laughs LOL!!!!

Praise singers with Bro. Sam leading Sunday morning worship...

 Mar Bear gave her testimony and sang BEAUTIFULLY!!!!!

 Sheree playing the piano for each service - wonderful job sis!!

 Travis with baby Lucy!! She loves him!! :)
 Overall, we had a great time, and hope we were a blessing to the Williams church!! Thanks for having us!!!

Back to School Rally!

Please join us this coming Saturday night for a Back to School Rally!!!! Invite all your friends!